平成21年1月12日 一般社団法人アフリカ開発協会


当法人は、国家公務員法等の一部を改正する法律(平成19年法律第108号。以下「改正法」という。) による改正後の国家公務員法(昭和22年法律第120号。以下「改正国公法」という。) 第106条の24第1項第4号及び改正法附則第12条並びに独立行政法人通則法 (平成11年法律第103号。以下「改正独法通則法」という。) 第54条の2第1項において準用する改正国公法第106条の24第1項第4号及び改正法附則第10条において準用する改正法附則第12条、 職員の退職管理に関する政令(平成20年政令第389号。以下「退職管理政令」という。)第32条及び附則第4条、 特定独立行政法人の役員の退職管理に関する政令(平成20年政令第390号。以下「役員政令」という。) 第18条及び附則第3条、職員の退職管理に関する内閣府令(平成20年内閣府令第83号)第9条及び附則第3条、 並びに特定独立行政法人の役員の退職管理に関する内閣府令(平成20年内閣府令第84号) 第8条及び附則第3条の諸規定(以下「密接関係法令」という。)に関し、「国と特に密接な関係がある」 特例民法法人に該当しないので、その旨公表いたします。

Association of African Economy and Development AFRECO
TEL  03-3511-8911
FAX  03-3511-8912
Mail  info@afreco.jp

Association Development

Dec. 1969 The inaugural meeting of Association of Japan-Central Africa was held by founders including Nobusuke Kishi, ex-Prime Minister, and Kougoro Uemura, ex-Chairman of the Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren).
1970 The association changed its name to Association of Central Africa. Juzaburo Hasegawa, President of the Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank Ltd., was invited to be the first president.
1973 The association changed its name to Association of Central Africa. Juzaburo Hasegawa, President of the Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank Ltd., was invited to be the first president.
1978 Suemitsu Kadowaki, the 1st Ambassador to Soviet Union, took up the position of president.
1987 Mutsuki Kato, ex-Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, took up the position of president.
2004 Koki Kobayashi, ex-Senior Vice-Minister of Finance, took up the position of president.
2008 Tetsuro Yano, ex-Senior Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, took up the position of president.
2014 AFRECO was registered as a General Incorporated Association.


To strengthen economic partnership, to promote cultural exchanges, to nurture friendship among African and Japanese people and to contribute to mutual prosperity.

Key Features

1. To conduct researches and to support projects in order to promote economic partnership and cultural exchange with African countries
2. To organize events, seminars and exchange programs
3. To publish reports, articles and books in order to enlighten the people
4. To collaborate with Japanese and African related organizations

AFRECO co-operates with the economic activities at the grass-root level to promote the local industries in African countries and to make their economic foundation stable and sustainable. AFRECO also makes efforts to create projects which help to develop the African countries and to support Japanese government and cooperations.

Activity Funds

AFRECO is operated with the following activity funds. We do not request an enrollment fee.


1・Annual Membership Fee Corporation 300,000JPY per year
Individual 30,000JPY per year
Student 2,000JPY per year
2・Donation, Special Contribution Special Contribution is 500,000JPY or above once the contributor agree to support a project or an event.
4・Money Invested
5・Miscellaneous Revenues