We took DRC dignitaries to Ashikaga and Nikko 2022-07-16
We took DRC dignitaries to Ashikaga and Nikko.
Business trip to the Republic of Tunisia 2022-06-12
The Chairman visited the Republic of Tunisia from Jun 12 to 16 and met with important people.
Meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi 2022-07-12
We had a meeting with H.E. Mr. Kwacha CHISIZA, Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi to Japan.
Meeting with H.E.Mr Othman Jerandi, Minister of Foreign Affairs 2022-06-03
Prior to TICAD8, H.E.Mr Othman Jerandi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, visited Japan. Yano had a wonderful oppor […]
Meeting with Ms Kelly Lunda, Principal Secretary to the President of DRC, Urbanism and Environment 2022-05-27
We had a meeting with Ms. Kelly Lunda, Principal Secretary to the President of DRC, Urbanism and Environment.
Tour to the 3D Printer Building 2022-04-07
Together with H.E. Mr. Nelson, Ambassador of Liberia to Japan, and Mr Kongo, Minister, AFRECO visited the firs […]
Medical-ConneX Tour 2022-04-05
AFRECO visited Tokyo Hikifune Hospital to see Siemens emergency medical vehicles under the supervision of Dr. […]
Meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Liberia 2022-03-23
We had a meeting with H.E. Mr. Blamoh Nelson, Ambassador of the Republic of Liberia to Japan.
Meeting with Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia, former Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi, and Ambassador of Palestine 2022-03-11
Tunisian Ambassador to Japan Mohamed Eloumi invited us to exchange views and have dinner with former Japanese […]
Meeting with the new Chargé d’Affaires of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2022-02-14
We had a meeting with Mr. Espé-Martin Kapongo Kapongo, Chargé d’Affaires of the Democratic Republic of t […]