ジョモケニヤッタ農工大学との大学間協定の署名調印式に出席 2023-05-04
アフリカ開発協会がケニアのジョモケニヤッタ農工大学と関係は深めたのは、TICAD6にさかのぼります。その後TICAD7で医学部の支援に関するMOUを結び、帝京大学医学部を紹介しました。5月4日、ついに両校が大学間協定を結 […]
Attended Tanzania Independence Ceremony 2023-04-26
We attended Tanzania’s Independence Ceremony.
タンザニア独立記念式典に出席 2023-04-26
Discussion with Dr. Adesina, President of the African Development Bank 2023-04-26
We exchanged views with Dr. Adesina, President of the African Development Bank.
アフリカ開発銀行のアデシナ総裁と意見交換 2023-04-26
Attending the Japan-Africa Co-Creation Forum 2023-04-24
We attended the Japan-Africa Co-Creation Forum and had a chance to meet with Dr. Adesina, President of the Afr […]
日・アフリカ共創フォーラムに出席 2023-04-24
Visit to the Ambassador of Angola 2023-04-18
We visited His Excellency Xavier, Ambassador of Angola, who is leaving his post.
アンゴラ大使を訪問 2023-04-18
【Members Only】”Credit Ratings by Country”
This is for members only. If you are interested in being an AFRECO member, please contact us through the “Cont […]