Introducing His Excellency the Ambassador of Liberia to Kinjo Gomu K.K. in Osaka 2024-04-08
We introduced His Excellency the Ambassador of Liberia to Kinjo Gomu K.K. in Osaka.
リベリアの大使閣下、大阪の錦城護謨株式会社さんにご案内 2024-04-08
Cherry Blossom Viewing Party in Mashiko,Tochigi prefecture 2024-04-07
Cherry blossom viewing party in Mashiko, Tochigi Prefecture. In addition to Mr. Horiuchi, Director General of […]
栃木県益子町でのお花見 2024-04-07
Exchange of opinions with the Ambassador of Zambia 2024-03-15
We exchanged opinions with the Zambian Ambassador, Dr. Kawahara, and Mr. Akutsu of JICA.
ザンビア大使を囲んで意見交換会 2024-03-15
Visit to the Ministry of Finance with the Tunisian Ambassador 2024-03-15
We received the next Tunisian Ambassador to Tokyo in the presence of Mr. Mimura, Director General of the Inter […]
チュニジア大使と財務省訪問 2024-03-15
Visit of the Ambassador of Tanzania 2024-03-13
We visited the Tanzanian Ambassador with the members of the Clinical Engineering Global Promotion Foundation.
タンザニア大使訪問 2024-03-13